Saturday, August 19, 2006

How Romantic are You ?

Visit this site, or click the image below, then answer the questions.

And here are the result for me.
How Romantic am I ?

You are between being a romantic and a realist. You know where to draw the line between emotions and good judgement and you can also be romantic enough when needed.
Your head may be in the clouds at times, but your feet are firmly on the ground.

Hmm? Not bad enough.

\\Ini namanya kurang kerjaan.
Tapi daripada lama ndak posting. :P

Oiya, ini sa jadikan lempar-lemparan saja.
Saya lempar ke...Intan, MPie, Rho, Hayoo.. isi blognya.


Anonymous said...

Huaa......gak mau sa posting hasilx...masa iya saya sama ma mus_ gak mau......

Anonymous said...


:p ditunggu saja ya nak, semoga saya cepet update... ^^

Anonymous said...

hohohoo... saya akan posting karena beda :D
eh tp apa iya sy begitu?
(tanya kenapa) tuink tuink